To be a farmer takes trust. You never know when a late frost will hit or a blight, or a long cold spring and then an early fall. This year, I think it's the long cold spring and the early fall that is a real thing. Folks are overheard saying, "What, it just got here three weeks ago." That's summer in the NW. Well at least this year, for there have been others when it is just one sunny day after another, and then people complain about that. I'm wondering why we complain about things, after all, our lives are mostly good. I knew this woman who taught folks about being in the present moment. She said, as I was worrying aloud, is there anything wrong right now. And there wasn't. Nothing was happening in the moment that was life threatening or bad in anyway. Of course, this wouldn't include every moment, but many during the day and the night are just okay, good even. So I'd like to be aware of that more of the time, that there is good in the moment, or at least, there isn't anything wrong with this moment.
I'm sitting on my bed with my cat listening to violin music. Very beautiful. There is a completely cool breeze coming in the window. A whiff of wood smoke, yes, really. And tomorrow I'll go to Orcas Island to teach writing. It's not like teaching someone to make a quilt, or even to blend oil on a canvas. Some things are more tangible than others. With writing there are always those moments that come clear, but usually they come to one after having heard the instructions over and over and over, such as show don't tell. Or write what you know.
Anyway, we can be happy, yes we can. We can feel the love that is there. We can be in the moment, just listening to the sounds of the day, the traffic, the birds. It's all that there is, right?
Caio! Flower.
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