Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday--grandbaby day

A view south from my plot. The netting is to grow beans up--I first thought it was to keep out the deer. We have marauding deer here--people love them and hate them. They are beautiful, and usually this time of year, the two babies trail the doe. It's sweeter than sweet, until they eat the new pea shoots and bite off all the lettuce sprouts. In m y Kingston garden I put up fishing wire as a fence. I heard that if you run a few lines of it around your garden, they'll touch their legs or chest against it and back away. They can't really see it. My deer must have been exceptionally smart, as they touched it then hopped over. I strung more line, the babies ducked under. After a while, I'd look out the window and see a mom grazing on blackberries (that's okay) and the baby inside the fenced area eating peas (that's okay.) Funny, it goes back to my theory that I must relax and not try to control. Life will unfold as it will. It's really chaos in action, it has it's moments of order, and then back to non-order.
So today the grandbaby is coming and we'll go to the garden. I'm motivated now that the weather is nicer. Last two nights the sunset was fabulous. Today, it looks like it could rain--but maybe it will just sprinkle and we can work a little, dig a little more, spread a little compost--or we could check out some nurseries, see what kinds of deals they have on peat. My daughter will be here soon, so I must get my coffee polished off.
Looking south from my plot, rhubbarb, and to seed Russian Kale.

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