Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Letter

At last I got the letter saying my garden is too weedy and to clean it up. So I will, I have it scheduled for Friday. I used to worry that I wasn't doing a good enough job, but now I know I'm not. It's the divorce, see--what can I say. I have too many things on my plate, quit claims, new insurance, grief. Getting divorced is practically a full time job. So, I'll weed with Brenda Friday. Asking for help is hard, but single women must.

And now, we had a frosty night. Perhaps not immediately, but around, and even skiffs of snow. Winter coming already. That is too much to take. Okay then, if you want to kill a large area of grass or weeds, cover it with a tarp. It takes a few days, but it will work fine. Also, turn over the grass, the it will compost right there. Grass has very deep roots, so it will come up again, that is it's nature. But persevere.

Okay, I'm on a schedule, so gotta run. More later.

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