Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stormy Weather

The wind blew all night and the rain pummeled the windows. Looks like some clearing this morning, a little color in the sky. A good morning to put in garlic sets. Garlic has a long growing life. You plant it now and you harvest next fall. Why so long I don't know. I grew it once, elephant garlic and a few different types. It didn't' do that well, but I was growing in Kitsap hardpan. You can barely dig in it.

There are tons of different types of garlic. Each tastes a little different. Why not experiment, try growing some in your home garden. If you have a planter garden on your deck or balcony, garlic isn't something you'll be growing, but chives are nice and a perennial. Good on baked potatoes and in salads, too. I love the little flowers, little purple puffs. Very sweet. There are also garlic chives to be had. See the book Growing Garlic for more info on varieties.

Well, have to run this morning, got a writing date with my writing buddies.
Ciao! Flower

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