Sunday, August 31, 2008

Moving On

Fall is a time of reaping. There will be an abundance of vegetables to choose from, many to give away. Last year my community neighbor gardener set a box of veges outside her door for her neighbors. There is always the jokes about zucchini. There are the tomatoes and the methods of pulling and hanging a plant or wrapping green tomatoes and setting them on the window sill. In the weaker fall sun coming through the pane over the sink, the tomatoes will ripen. And then you have the vegetables that can stay in the ground for the winter: carrots, parsnips, potatoes. If you have a good potato crop dry them in the sun and rub off the dirt. Put them in a cool dark place in a bag. Light will make them sprout and turn green—of course the green is toxic. If you have grown pumpkins or winter squash you can wait for the first frost to move them to a place that is dry and will keep them for the winter. I had an upstairs landing once covered with Hubbard. Then there is the corn stalks to cut and tie in bundles and stack by the door, along with a scattering of pumpkins and you have a lovely fall arrangement. And of course acorn and butternut can come inside. If you've never had acorn or butternut halved and baked with almond butter and maple syrup in the opening try it. And then there is the squash soup and the leek soup and the potato soup and the carrot soup. Ahhhh!

On a different subject, I'm all moved. I have a locker with my furniture and boxes sitting there. I thought this would make me feel sad, but having it all there makes me feel secure. The folks were nice. It's a bit of a drive from the house, but I won't have to go too often. I was with my ex. It was difficult, for me, I don't believe for him, because he's clearly moved on. It is like summer, it has moved on. There is nothing to do about it. As far as the garden goes and my life, it is time to pull in and fortify. To rest and to heal. It's the way things go.



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