A storm came through in the night, some wind, some rain, nothing excessive. I don't know about farther south. Perhaps south they got the two inches predicted. I thinking now about excess, because weather can come in excess, but what I have in excess is stuff. What I'd like to have in excess is vegetables, then I could give them away. And eat more, of course. But we're all prosperous in different ways. I am reading a book by Allen Cohen called <a type="amzn">Relax into Wealth</a>. My dad always said we're rich if we have family and love and pets and a roof over our head, etc. This is true, and cash helps too—but I'm pondering excess stuff when there is no place to put it. I'll pick up the rest of my belongings at the end of the month and put them in storage. Storage makes no sense to me. I think that if one doesn't use something, then get rid of it. On the other hand, I have family heirlooms that won't fit in my 525 sq ft condo. So there you go.
Well, back to the garden. Once I had a garden that was practically the size of a small lot. I had a rototiller and my hubby at the time tilled the thing. My father-in-law gave me advice, just plant things far enough apart that you can till between the rows. Of course my garden looked like my closet, crammed full of stuff. I don't think there was ever any tilling between rows. But that was a good garden and it was on a lot that had fruit trees and grapes, filberts and asparagus. I used to garden in my bathing suit so I'd get a good tan. When I met the neighbors they snickered about me being out there in my suit. I was surprised. I had no idea someone was watching, after all there was a hedge along the street and the entrance into the place was narrow, situated between trees. I wonder if they had binoculars.
On that lot I also had a small greenhouse where I started my plants. The planting bed had heat coils running beneath the soil, as Spokane is slow to warm up in the spring, so the little plants had nice warm soil to begin their lives. I had great cabbage starts and broccoli and cauliflower. I planted a bigger variety of stuff then than I do now. Of course there was a family to feed, now just one person. In fact, I confess I do more eating out than I ever thought I would. I could start a dinner club. Just move from house to house on different nights of the week, always a guarantee of a home cooked meal. Now there's an idea.
Happy Gardening,
PS That's the Angel Face rose, like the one I have growing in Kingston.
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