Friday, October 31, 2008


Originally uploaded by Klingon65

Happy Halloween!

I wonder how many folks will dress up as political candidates, or as elephants or donkeys this year. I'm completely fried with all the he did this, she did that. It's like an ongoing bad marriage.

Speaking of marriage, my divorce will be final in about two weeks, I'm saying about because if he signs the final paper and sends it back to the attorney as expected, then it will be filed and I'll be an official single woman. The thing I am looking forward to the most, is having my name be legal. I changed my name years ago, perhaps it's been eight years now—everyone knows me by that name, but legally I have to sign my checks and documents with his name. So, that will be good, although it means the details of going to the drivers place, going to the banks, informing the IRS, etc. I'm making a list.

I was reading in the Artist's Way this morning about abundance. Now this is something we are all thinking about to some degree with all the changes we're in now. In the chapter, Julia Cameron is discussing how we think of God, or a higher power, the creator, etc. the name doesn't matter, it can always be changed, right? but she was asking the question: do we know who our source is. I do know and then I forget. I think I'm it, or perhaps before, my husband—and this wasn't a real knowing, it was just a situation. I mean, I depended on him in so many ways. I depended on him to bring home the bacon, to be my fiend and confidant. But God could also be all these things. In fact, if Julia is right, then if I trusted God as my source, then things would unfold as I desire—perhaps not look the way I think they should, but really I would have all that I need. Was it the Stones, "If you don't get what you want, you'll get what you need." Something like that.

Well, it's raining and it's dark and it's Halloween. My grandbaby is coming today- little late because Dad is bringing him. He has a sore toe, and is on antibiotics. Weird, no one knows how he got strep on his toe. So we soak and we but bandages on it. He is not a happy camper. He will be an alligator--alligators like rain, right?

Have some fun with those you love and eat candy.


1 comment:

tina said...

Happy Halloween to you too:)