Well, I don't know how much it snowed last night, but there is plenty of white stuff out there. I think I'll get up and going and step outside, take some pictures, wander around a bit. This is unusual weather for us, this much snow may be record. When we were kids we were thrilled when it snowed. We had the sleds out right away and the ice skates and headed for the park across the street. Here, down at the slough there is ice, which is interesting because salt water comes into the estuary and salt water doesn't freeze. There is an open stream still, running through the ice covered mud. I walked down there yesterday, cold, cold cold. Today, as well as my jaunt outside, I'm going to do some inside things, then dinner with friends. My cold seems a little better today. I will lie low with one more movie to watch, lots of tea, and more chicken soup. It's the garlic that heals.
Speaking of garlic, Growing Great Garlic will tell you how to prepare the beds for all the varieties you might plant. Try out a bunch of them. I didn't have luck with garlic, I already told you that. But some elephant garlic grew. I'd say try that to start, if you want to venture into the garlic business. Elephant garlic tastes different, greener is how I'd describe it. It's the easiest to grow.
So yesterday I learned how closed off my heart has been. This makes me sad, because I was thinking that my grandson had helped me open it. But then this gentleman joined me for a Sufi concert and the combination of his attention and the devotion of the whirlers, popped my heart open. Then this interesting thing happened, my heart had some grouchiness in it. Can you imagine that? I thought that when the heart opened, then I'd be spewing forth warmth and good feelings. Not entirely. I felt the snarl, I felt the tears, I felt the joy. It was all there in one cracked open heart. Could be garlic will help with this condition. And I'm thinking heart breathing, that's when you breath in and out of the heart; it's partially imaginary. Anyway, plenty of time to do such things on snowy days. Plenty of time to open the heart.
That's all for now. Enjoy.
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