Monday, June 23, 2008

The Morse Genetics

This little fella is the great x 6th grandchild of Samuel F. B. Morse of the Morse Code. His grandfather, who passed in 99, was John Morse Nelson. This little fella has the genetics of greatness, brillance, genius. I just now read that Samuel was an artist, not a scientist. His invention of the telegraph came out of a desire to communicate over a long distance.

Well, any grandmother would say her grandchild is brillant, right? Sure. And he so loves to figure things out and do it himself. Now he is contemplating how he will go about using that trowel, while his grandfather, rest his soul, might be contemplating greater things. He was a wiz at small engines and the happenings of the universe at large. If he were alive now he might be interested in wind power or the new planets discovered out beyond the down-graded planet, Pluto. He might discover the true art of relationship. How one listens, doesn't accuse, loves without worry of love returned. Just love for love's sake.

This morning I'm waiting for my duaghter and grandson, and we will walk to Blvd. Park and back, get our exercise on this sunny morning. All is well in the PNW. All is well for the Morse decendants. All is well with me.

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