When I started this blog, I thought I would ponder what the garden has to teach me. I'm not sure about that right now. It's just sort of sitting there. Still, everyday I'm learning something, thinking about the garden whether I'm working in it or not. And it's not right outside my door, it's several blocks away. Yet it is always in my mind and right now it makes me think of feeding the population, and how as farms go under, as oil soars sky high, we will continue to feed ourselves. Sometimes I become frightened, and yet I see the changes in the world right now as an opportunity. We are all so abundant--even when we have little.
My divorce makes me feel keenly the loss of a 20 year marriage. I feel keenly the broken heartedness of losing everything I worked so hard to build. I suppose it is no different in a way to losing a job, or losing optimum health, or losing a friend. I've lost a brother, mother, father, 1st husband, a pregnancy, and now a second husband. With him, I've lost a mother-in-law, friends, memories, a home, a pet. And I feel sad about all of it. Yet, I will continue to grow.
This morning I drew a tarot card from "The Medicine Woman Inner Guidebook." The card said to "let go." The card said, "Do not be content to rest on the past, but celebrate all that was and is to come....the more you can appreciate your achievements and quickly free your spirit once again to go on, the less the world will have to challenge your position."
Now I'm thinking, despite the hurt, that action has always been my modus operandi--let go and go on. That's what must happen to heal after any loss. And it happens all the time in the garden. A tree branch breaks and falls, a blight takes out the tomato plants, a hail storm ruins tender plants. And the garden keeps growing--maybe not the same plants, but other plants, hardy plants that are nourished by the old decomposing in the soil.
It is what is being asked of all of us right now Keep going, be inventive, enjoy life with all its abundance. There is so much more to come, so much new yet invented, so many wonderful minds we haven't yet discovered. All is good. Doubt will be overcome with action and the spirit is free.
I received this invocation via a friend, via email, for the Summer Equinox:
"The children of humanity are one,
and I am one with
I seek to love, not hate;
I seek to serve and not
exact due service;
I seek to heal, not hurt.
“Let the soul control the outer form,
And life and all events.
And bring to light the love.
Which underlies the
happenings of the time.“
Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate
and outer cleavages be gone.
“Let love prevail.
Let all people love.”
“Compassion to All Beings
North - South - East - West - Above - Below
Compassion to All Beings.”
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