Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today, We're Warming Up

More thoughts about nature spirits. I was in the yard at my old place in Kingston, and I felt this pressure, like some huge energy was rolling up the hill toward me. I wanted to live in this place, with the beautiful view and the little cabin that would be replaced eventually with a lovely home, but I could feel a resistance to being there. So I lit some sage and placed tobacco about and asked permission to be on that land. And the energy, whatever it was, moved away. I felt freed to continue. Now that place is lovely, full and lush, a paradise. His, not mine. Augh!

Oh dear, that is one of my heartaches right now. Leaving a place so serene to live in, a place where trains don't go through in the night and cars don't screech and honk, and kids don't smack down their skateboards on the sidewalks and parking lots. I've mostly gotten used to the noise here, but not entirely. Last night the train honked it's horn, short little blasts on and on. Now tell me why the conductor would do that? Someone on the tracks?

Anyway, not to complain too much, because there are so many things that are ideal living in a small community where all the conveniences are close at hand. Really, I don't have to leave here if I don't want to. And now in Bellingham, our gas prices are over $4.00/gallon. I'm thinking that gardening is a very good idea. And so is my bicycle.

And now to my new thing, a garden store where I'll find as much seed as possible to offer you--unique things too--orange cucumbers, purple broccoli. It just seems fun to plant carrots that are more orange than usual. And did I tell you? that around here, PNW, that if you plant your carrots in a pot with fine netting over the top, the carrot boarer will be foiled. I'm trying it. I saw it on Cisco. He's a Seattle gardener. Pretty smart guy and way chipper.

Okay, still in bed. Gardening in my dreams. I'm up and at it, promise. Ciao!

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