Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Down With Spring (so to speak) Cold

Well, I did want to make it there today--but this freaky cold weather has got me down for the count. So here I am on my watercolor-wash flowered sampler quilt that I made with my very own hands. I do love to create and my quilts and garden sculptures and paintings, etc. are so much fun. What would I do without my creativity? You don't have to answer that.

So yesterday, also down with the cold, I spent time putting together a garden store at There are some fabulous seeds that will thrill you: purple broccoli, rocket red carrots, and orange cucumbers. They don't look like they're of this earth, but they are.

Now a bit about garden spirits. When I work alone over there at the garden spot, I on occasion turn to the row of plums, thinking I've seen movement. This has happened over and over again. The other day (the one before all the rain) when the grandbaby was with me, he stood there and looking and looking at the area that I turn to. I wondered what he was seeing.
I'm so curious about garden spirits. I've read about people who are so in touch with them, and I'd love to be also. Anyone know anything about this?

When I first heard of Findhorn: ,I was thrilled and skeptical at the same time. How could a person communicate with things you can't see. While I'm telepathic and clairvoyant (I should know the answer to this question) I just couldn't get this communication with nature spirits, I guess because I don't know what they are.

So I started just noting when I turned to look--is there something there? Generally no. Sometimes a bird or a deer. But it's when there is nothing that I grow curious. I think I'll experiment with inviting them to my plot. I've heard that the garden grows better when the nature spirits help out. Are they fairies? Elves? Anyone have any thoughts about this?
Ciao, Flower!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Nancy,,

A couple of lines from your blog...... seems like you're great at answering those deeply important questions!

"I've heard that the garden grows better when the nature spirits help out. Are they fairies? Elves? Anyone?"

"Life is energy. Feel it, see it, have fun with it, love it."

Best wishes, Angus